I talked with my photographer friends, some pros and some amateurs, and decided to stick with Nikon. The consensus was that I needed to go with a camera that gave me what I wanted but could also afford. I went with the Nikon D610.
When I recieved it I was thrilled! I could use my existing lenses, it has video (not that I do video but just in case I decide to do YouTube videos or something) and I was fairly familiar with the menu set up. However, even with that I still feel like I am learning all over again!
Like my other camera, it will take me some time to figure it out. But I am super happy with it so far and I love using it with my 50mm lens.
I just need to find some more models and time to create!
Congrats on the new camera. ♥ Your images are incredible; I can't wait to see what you do with your new hardware!